Workshop Rules


Welcome to the Autodesk Technology Centers. This document outlines the rules and policies that apply to all Technology Center Workshops to make sure everyone has a safe and positive experience. The most important thing to remember is that the entire Technology Center team is here to help, so if you have any questions about the rules and guidelines, please ask!    

Use of Space

The Technology Center Workshops, Studios, and offices are shared community spaces. Please treat them with respect. If you discover damage or malfunction to the space or machinery, please inform a member of Technology Center team immediately. All industrial and hazardous chemical activities, including but not limited to soldering, painting, reagent mixing, laser cutting, 3D printing with photo-curable resins, metalworking, etc. must be performed in designated Workshop areas.


All Autodesk Employees and Residents are required to badge in every time they enter any Autodesk premises and keep their badge on their person and visible at all times while on site. If a badge is lost or stolen, and the receptionist must be notified immediately. If an Employee or Resident forgets their badge, a loaner badge can be obtained at the reception desk. At no time should a person be allowed to follow anyone else into any badge-restricted area on any Autodesk premises (known as “tailgating”) without also badging in or being an accompanied, registered visitor with a visitor badge. If a badge is denied access to a particular area, being accompanied by an authorized Autodesk Employee into that area is required. Badge access to the Workshop and Studio will be granted after all the online and in-person safety training requirements have been met.

Workshop Access

To become a Shop User and gain access to the Technology Center Workshops, the online Global Workshop Safety (GWS) Training, in-person Fire Extinguisher Training, and Technology Center-specific On-Site Safety Orientation must be successfully completed. All Shop Users will be required to retake their saftfey trainings every 12 months to maintain access to the Workshop. Unauthorized access to the Workshop, unauthorized use of equipment, and/or unsafe Workshop behavior are grounds for suspension and/or revocation of Workshop access (applies to Employees and Residents) and could result in the termination of your residency.

Equipment Training

Employees and Residents who have successfully become Shop Users will be able to enroll in equipment-specific trainings. The use of any piece of Workshop equipment before the successful completion of the required training(s) is prohibited. Equipment-specific trainings must be retaken every 18 months. The unauthorized use of any Workshop equipment is grounds for suspension and/or revocation of Workshop access (applies to Employees and Residents) and could result in the termination of your residency.

Equipment Safety

No outside equipment may be brought into the Technology Centers without express approval from the Community Manager, Workshop Manager, and Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Manager. Machine guarding, training of authorized users, and taking appropriate safety measures are the responsibility of the equipment purchaser or owner. Autodesk reserves the right to evaluate and require additional safety measures for use of equipment brought into the Autodesk Workshop spaces at any time or to ban the use of equipment that presents an unacceptable risk or is not in compliance with applicable laws.

Not Working Alone Policy

The Technology Center Workshops and Studios have a “No Working Alone” policy which requires the presence of another authorized Shop User (“Buddy”) during any Workshop activities unless otherwise stipulated. Shop Users must mutually agree to act as each other's “Buddies” and must communicate when one person leaves the area, in which case the activities must be stopped until their return or another “Buddy” can be identified. Visitors to the Workshop are not authorized to act as a “Buddy” and do not fulfill the “No Working Alone” policy requirements.

Risk Assessment

All new Workshop equipment and activities require a risk assessment in order to identify hazards, assess risks, and define controls per relevant federal and state laws and regulations. A Shop User can submit a Risk Assessment Review Form for any new Workshop activities that they wish to perform at the Technology Center. The risk assessment will be conducted by the Shop User, the EHS Manager, and Workshop Staff.

Personal Protective Equipment

Basic personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided by Autodesk for standard Workshop activities. Any additional PPE required for the use of specific equipment will be outlined in the training and is posted in the Workshop. For special activities, a risk assessment may determine if specific PPE is required which the Shop User may need to purchase. Every Shop User is responsible for following all PPE policies as directed by applicable risk assessments and Autodesk’s EHS Department.

Chemical Approvals, Management, Inventory, SDS, and Reporting

All chemicals and materials brought on site to any Technology Center require approval. Approval is site-specific. The list of pre-approved items by location can be found on the MSDSonline website. Autodesk Employees and Residents must submit a New Chemical/Material Request Form and obtain approval before any new chemical or material can be brought on site. Approved chemicals and materials may have quantity restrictions. The quantity of any approved chemical or material must be reviewed by the Workshop Manager and EHS Manager before being brought on site. Storage and operation permits, materials reporting, and SDS management is done by Autodesk. See the Workshop Manager or EHS Manager for any questions.

Wastewater and Air Emissions

Each Technology Center follows applicable air quality and wastewater environmental laws and requirements mandated in their area. Any equipment or activity that may result in air or wastewater emissions must be reviewed by the EHS Manager before initiating the activity. Any costs or fees incurred from permit applications, modifications, and associated, reasonable, and agreed upon consulting are the responsibility of Shop User(s) making the request.

Waste Handling and Disposal

Each Technology Center has strict and specific guidelines for the disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste that must be followed. It is the responsibility of every Shop User to appropriately dispose of all wastes. Hazardous waste streams determined in a risk assessment may require specialized handling, storage, and disposal which will be coordinated by Workshop Staff and the EHS Department. Please ask Workshop Staff or EHS Manager for clarification on the requirements before disposing of any waste materials.


Weapons, including but not limited to firearms, knives, or clubs, are strictly prohibited anywhere within Autodesk premises. Violation of this policy will result in immediate revocation of access to the space and further action may be taken.

Prohibited Projects

Production or assembly of 1) weapons or replica weapons, and 2) items for retail sale, are strictly prohibited within the Technology Centers.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Medication

No one is permitted in the Workshop, Studio, or office, or authorized to use any equipment when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication, including prescription or over-the-counter medication that may cause drowsiness, diminished coordination, or other potential physical or mental impairments. Violation of this policy may result in revocation of Workshop access (applies to Employees and Residents) and/or termination of your residency.

Please note that alcohol use is permitted at Autodesk-approved events, but no one is permitted to perform any work in the Workshop, Studio, or office after they have consumed any alcohol.


All Autodesk Employees and Residents are expected to clean up after themselves completely both in the Workshop and other working areas within the Technology Centers and comply with all safety and security policies.


Storage at the Technology Centers is very limited and not guaranteed. If there is space available in designated areas, Residents may temporarily store only non-hazardous items necessary for their project. It is the Residents’ responsibility to store items safely to prevent damage as well as to prevent damaging other items. All stored items must be labeled with name, phone number, and the date stored. Items left for an excessive amount of time are subject to removal by Technology Center Staff. Autodesk and the Technology Centers are not responsible for damaged or missing items.

Additional storage requests can be made to the Community Manager and Workshop Manager and are subject to approval. Storing chemicals and hazardous materials must be approved by the Workshop Manager and EHS Manager and comply with the required storage policies.

Package Delivery

Any delivery that requires access to the loading dock must be approved in advance by the Workshop Manager. Shipments must be compliant with all applicable laws, including but not limited to, any import or export laws and hazardous material shipping laws. All hazardous material shipments must be coordinated with the Workshop Staff and approved by the EHS Manager.

Food and Drink

Coffee, tea, and water are available in the public kitchen. Please return any cups or mugs to the kitchen for washing. No food or open drinks are allowed in the Workshop areas. Policies around food and open drinks in the areas outside the Workshops vary by location.

Compliance with Laws

All Autodesk Employees and Residents must comply with all applicable laws. Any Shop User-specific safety or compliance issues identified by Autodesk must be corrected by the Shop User immediately.


Autodesk and the Autodesk Technology Centers reserve the right, at our sole, reasonable discretion, to suspend or terminate access to the premises should any of these Rules and Guidelines be violated.