Training Policies


Trainings at the Autodesk Technology Centers are for Autodesk FTE employees and residents only.

We are currently limiting workshop access and prioritizing trainings for residents and employees with business-related fabrication needs. Trainings are available only for these approved users.

If you are an approved user with an exsiting account, sign up for a training by clicking on “Register” on the training page, and entering your name and email address. You will receive an email confirming your spot in the class. If you are unable to register, please contact the Operations Manager, Mikaela Holmes on Slack, or email

Residents: Please do not register for trainings at a different technology center without permission from both your community manager and the community manager of the center you are visiting.

Prerequisites & Training Renewals

Please note: All trainings taken before the COVID office closures are now considered expired and must be re-taken.

During normal operation we require all workshop users to re-take safety trainings every 12 months, and we require all workshop users to re-take workshop trainings every 18 months.

You will be notified by email in advance of your training’s expiration.

Some trainings have prerequisites. If you have not completed the required prerequisites for a particular training, you will not be able to register for it. The prerequisites for each training are listed on the course page.

All trainings are site-specific. Trainings at one technology center do not count as prerequisites for trainings at another site.


Space is limited in our trainings. If you’re registered but are unable to attend, please cancel your registration as soon as possible by following the cancellation link in your original registration confirmation email or loging into your customer portal. Cancellation links will expire 24 hours before your scheduled training. If you need to cancel less than 24 hours before class, please email

Please show up on time for all trainings. If you arrive more than 5 minutes late, you may not be able to attend.

Please be mindful that these trainings occur in an active workshop. Arrive wearing shop appropriate clothing: closed toe shoes, long pants, long hair tied back. You are also required to wear all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided by your instructor.

Site-Specific Policies

San Francisco:

Registration closes 24 hours before the start of class. Please reach out to for inquiries about joining the training after registration has closed. If you need to cancel your registration less than 24 hours before the training, please email or your instructor (listed in your registration confirmation).


Registration closes 12 hours before class, and trainings are cancelled the morning of class if only one student has enrolled. If you need to cancel your registration less than 12 hours before the training, please email or your instructor (listed in your registration confirmation).


Registration closes 48 hours before class, and classes will be cancelled if no one is enrolled. If you need to cancel your registration less than 24 hours before the training, please email or your instructor (listed in your registration confirmation).